Skills Update 1: 2/23/18
This week, I introduced myself to Adobe Audition. After a quick review of Audacity, which took way less time than I had anticipated, I had success in learning the basics of Audition. By the end, I was able to adequately recreate my standard vocal effects chain on a voice sample.
Unfortunately, I think I may have set my sights too narrow for this skills assignment. I learned how to manipulate vocals in just about every way I know how to. I believe I have the skills in Audition to create a podcast, clean up voice in a video, or even edit vocals for a song in a pinch. I will look through the rest of my materials, but I might have to adjust course and learn some music-making techniques, or perhaps become more proficient in Ableton.
Skills Log (Partial)
Start time/date | End time/date | Description of focus | Notes on process |
2/19/18 8:00 PM | 2/19/18 8:45 PM | Audacity refresher | I spent some time reviewing Audacity for class, such as how to move audio, the different selector types, and basic filtering options |
2/20/18 10:00 PM | 2/20/18 11:59 PM | Audition Lynda tutorials | I started working through the Audition tutorials. I did not work in Audition today, but I learned the basics of how to operate the program |
2/22/18 6:00 PM | 2/22/18 7:00 PM | Audition Experimenting | I spent some time figuring out the Audition UI and setting up my workstation. I also had to review some Lynda videos to refresh myself on some basics. The goal was to manipulate an mp3 file, such as chopping it, slowing it, and pitching it up and down |
2/23/18 11:00 AM | 2/23/18 12:00 PM | Directed Audition Experimenting | I worked today to apply a standard equalization, compression, and de-ess chain to a dry vocal track. I mostly spent my time on Google searching specific techniques. |