Zach White's Skills

Voice Editing With Audacity and Adobe Audition: Curriculum Overview

For my independent skills assignment, I want to enhance my audio design and editing skills. I have a little Audacity review in my plan, but the main program for my curriculum is Adobe Audition. This is both because Audition is available to us on our studio computers, but also because it fits nicely into my current experience. Sometimes I find that Audacity is a touch too basic, while a full DAW like Ableton is overkill for most non-music applications.

I chose voice editing as my focus for now, as it seems to be the most applicable area of study for a lot of digital media nowadays, whether as web videos, podcasts, or even music. As someone without much of a formal music background, voice is also a more manageable aspect of audio, and one that I feel comfortable learning in 20 hours.

The time estimates seem a little generous, but I purposefully included time for experimenting and following along with lessons. I will reconsider the scope as I move along my materials, which are listed below.

Links List

Synthesizers in Ableton Live

Links List (3/2 Update)